Effortless Git Commits: Simplifying Your Workflow with Custom Commit Message Templates

Are you tired of having to write Git messages in the terminal every time you make a commit? Well, you're in luck! In this article, I'll show you how to make commits using the source control area without having to write Git messages in the terminal.

First, let's talk about what Git is and why it's important. Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to track changes to their code over time. It's an essential tool for any software development project as it helps developers collaborate, manage, and track changes to their codebase.

When using Git, the process of committing changes to the codebase is essential. A commit is like a snapshot of your code at a specific point in time. It's a way to save your changes and make them permanent. However, committing changes requires you to write a message explaining the changes you made. This message is crucial as it helps other developers understand what changes were made and why. But, writing these messages in the terminal can be time-consuming and sometimes even daunting.

Now, let's get into the fun part – how to make commits using the source control area without having to write Git messages in the terminal.

Step 1: Open the source control area

To open the source control area, you'll need to have a code editor installed. Most code editors, such as Visual Studio Code, Atom, and Sublime Text, have a built-in source control area that allows you to manage your Git repositories. To open the source control area in Visual Studio Code, click on the source control icon on the left-hand side of the editor. This will open the Git panel.

Step 2: Stage your changes

Before you can commit your changes, you need to stage them. Staging is the process of selecting which changes you want to include in your commit. In the source control area, you'll see a list of all the changed files in your repository. To stage your changes, click on the "+" icon next to each file you want to include in your commit. Once you've staged all the changes you want to commit, you'll see them listed under the "Staged Changes" section.

Step 3: Commit your changes

Now that you've staged your changes, it's time to commit them. To do this, simply click on the checkmark icon next to the "Staged Changes" section. This will open a dialog box where you can enter your commit message. However, we don't want to write our commit message in the terminal, so we'll use a different method.

Step 4: Use a commit message template

In the commit message dialog box, click on the drop-down menu next to "Message" and select "Change Commit Message." This will open a list of predefined commit message templates. These templates provide a structured way to write commit messages without having to think too hard about what to write.

For example, if you're fixing a bug, you could select the "fix" template, which would generate a commit message like this:

fix: [BUG ID] [Description of the fix]

All you have to do is replace the "[BUG ID]" and "[Description of the fix]" placeholders with your own information. This template ensures that your commit messages are consistent and easy to read.

Step 5: Customise your templates

If you don't like the pre-defined templates, you can create your own. To do this, go to the settings of your code editor and search for "Git Commit Template." This will allow you to create a custom template with your own commit message structure. For example, you could create a template that looks like this:

[Type of change]: [Description of the change]
[Additional details about the change]

This template allows you to categorise your changes based on the type of change you're making. For example, if you're adding a new feature, you would use the "feature" type. Your commit message would look something like this:

feature: Add search functionality to the website

Users can now search for products on the website using keywords.

Step 6: Commit your changes (for real this time!)

Now that you've customised your commit message template, it's time to commit your changes for real. Simply select your changes in the source control area, click on the checkmark icon, select your custom commit message template from the drop-down menu, and fill in the details. Click on "Commit" to make your commit permanent.

And that's it! You've just made a commit using the source control area without having to write Git messages in the terminal. This method not only saves you time but also ensures that your commit messages are consistent and easy to read.

In conclusion, committing changes is an essential part of using Git, but it doesn't have to be a tedious process. By using the source control area and commit message templates, you can make committing changes easier and more efficient. So go ahead and give it a try – your future self (and your fellow developers) will thank you!

DevelopmentWorkflowGitSource ControlCommit Messages
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Written by Carmen Cantudo Moreno

Full-Stack Software Developer + Network & Systems Security Specialist


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