7 Tips for Writing Better JavaScript Code

Are you a beginner programmer looking to improve your coding skills? In this article, I will cover topics such as best practices for naming variables and functions, using comments to document your code and ways to enhance readability and organization.

Whether you're a novice programmer or simply looking to refine your skills, keep reading to discover some helpful tips for writing better code!

1. Use Clear Variable and Function Names

Ironically, naming variables is one of the most crucial and time-consuming aspects of coding. These names should be descriptive and easy to understand. Clear names will help you better navigate your code and make it easier for others to read and debug.

Here are some guidelines I follow when naming variables:

  • Use more than one word to name your variable (in most cases).

  • Combine words using camelCase: firstSecondThird.

  • Always place the adjective to the left: premiumUsers, filteredPosts.

  • Use is/are/has for boolean variables: isDarkMode, isPopupOpen, hasDashboardAccess.

  • The variable name should accurately describe its purpose: use firstName instead of something like inputValue.

  • Constants are written in uppercase with words separated by underscores: SECONDS = 60, LOGIN_ATTEMPTS = 3.

Following these naming conventions can make your code more understandable and maintainable. Clear and meaningful names enhance code readability and make it easier to work with for yourself and other developers.

2. Use Comments to Explain Code Blocks

Comments are an essential element of good code. They help explain what a particular code block does and why it was written in a certain way.

It's important to remember to comment on every significant piece of code, not just lines or sections that may be difficult to understand.

If you have any doubts about whether a comment is necessary, you can always add it—there's no such thing as too many good comments.

Also, keep in mind that comments should be easy to understand for other programmers. Aim for clarity and avoid cryptic or ambiguous comments. Clear and concise comments will greatly assist other developers in comprehending and working with your code.

3. Use Code Formatting Tools

One crucial aspect of writing good code is maintaining excellent readability. That's why it's essential to properly format your code using tools like ESLint and Prettier.

ESLint is a tool that helps identify and fix errors in your code, while Prettier is a tool that formats code to make it more readable.

Both of these tools are invaluable for maintaining code cleanliness and readability. Using them lets you ensure that your code is clear and concise, making it easier for other programmers to understand.

4. Store Numbers in Variables

What do you think the number 7 is?

for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
  // code

The so-called "magic numbers" refer to hard-coded numeric values. Instead of directly using these values in your code, storing them in variables with meaningful names is best. This improves code readability and makes it easier to maintain and modify those values in the future. By assigning numbers to variables, you can provide clear context and avoid potential errors or confusion caused by using arbitrary numeric values throughout your code.

const DAYS_OF_THE_WEEK = 7;

for (let i = 0; i < DAYS_OF_THE_WEEK; i++) {
  // code

5. Write Modular and Reusable Code

One of the *best ways to improve your code is by modularizing it, which means breaking it down into reusable functions. This makes the code more reliable, easier to read, and maintain.

Modularizing your code also prevents code duplication - if you design a function to be universal and reusable, you can confidently use it throughout your project.

It also facilitates testing as individual functions can be easily isolated and tested.

6. Write Unit Tests

Unit tests are an essential part of writing good code. By writing unit tests, you can verify the functionality of your code and ensure that it works as expected. Unit tests can also help in identifying issues and errors in the code.

When writing unit tests, it's important to be thorough and meticulous. Test every possible scenario and use different input data to verify the code's functionality.

As mentioned earlier, writing unit tests that are easy to understand is crucial. This will benefit both you and other programmers who may need to debug or modify your code in the future.

7. Utilize Libraries and Frameworks

With the growing popularity of JavaScript frameworks and libraries, developers are no longer burdened with creating everything from scratch.

Frameworks such as React and Angular allow for a more efficient workflow by providing features like routing that would otherwise need to be coded from scratch.

Furthermore, these frameworks can help reduce the time spent writing applications by providing standardized components that can be reused across multiple applications.

As a result, using frameworks and libraries can significantly improve your productivity as a developer.

7. Conclusion

Writing better code is a process that requires time and practice. The code you write should be readable and easy to understand by other programmers.

Following these basic principles will help you avoid making mistakes and save a lot of time.

I hope these tips will help you in your work.

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Written by YatechDev

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