Asynchronous JavaScript

Asynchronous behavior is crucial for handling operations that take time, such as fetching data from a server, reading files, or waiting for a user action.

In this section, we'll explore how asynchronous code works in JavaScript.

What is Asynchronous Code?

Asynchronous code allows JavaScript to perform tasks without blocking the main thread of execution.

It's like reading a book while your computer is installing updates. You don't just watch the progress bar; you dive into a good story in the meantime. You keep an eye on dropping the book whenever your update is ready, but until then, you're occupied.

Similarly, asynchronous code lets JavaScript continue executing other tasks while waiting for a time-consuming operation to complete.

How JavaScript Normally Executes Code

Before diving into asynchronous code, let's understand how JavaScript normally runs code. JavaScript uses a single-threaded model, which means it can do one thing at a time in a single sequence. This is called synchronous execution. When you write code like this:


JavaScript executes these lines one after the other, exactly in the order they're written.

Introducing Asynchronous Code with setTimeout

setTimeout is a built-in JavaScript function that allows you to run a piece of code after a specified amount of time. It's a function that runs "asynchronously". Here's a simple example to look at and then we I'll explain the code:


setTimeout(() => {
    console.log("This runs after 2 seconds");
}, 2000); // 2000 milliseconds or 2 seconds

  1. console.log("Start");: This line is executed first, printing "Start" to the console.

  2. setTimeout(...): This function schedules a piece of code (a callback function) to run after a specified time (in milliseconds). In this case, 2000 milliseconds or 2 seconds. The code inside the callback (console.log("This runs after 2 seconds");) will run after the time has passed. But importantly, setTimeout doesn't stop the rest of the code from running while it's waiting. It schedules the callback and immediately moves on.

  3. console.log("End");: This line runs immediately after setTimeout is set, without waiting for the 2 seconds to pass. So "End" is printed before the message from the callback function.

The result of running this code in your log will be:

"This runs after 2 seconds"

If this is confusing, don't worry... Let's dive into this weirdness in more detail:

How Does It Work?

To understand this, let's introduce two important concepts: Call Stack and Event Loop.

  • Call Stack: This is where JavaScript keeps track of what function is currently being run and what function is to be executed next. Think of it as a to-do list for the program.

  • Event Loop: This is like a manager that keeps an eye on the Call Stack and a task queue (where the callback from setTimeout is waiting). The Event Loop checks if the Call Stack is empty. If it is, it moves the next task from the queue (like the callback from setTimeout) to the Call Stack to be executed.

Why "End" Prints Before "This runs after 2 seconds"

When you call setTimeout, JavaScript does the following:

  1. Adds the console.log("This runs after 2 seconds"); function to the task queue after 2 seconds.
  2. Meanwhile, it doesn't wait for those 2 seconds to finish. It continues executing the code immediately after setTimeout, which is console.log("End");.

So, the output order is:

  • "Start" (from console.log("Start");)
  • "End" (from console.log("End");)
  • "This runs after 2 seconds" (from the setTimeout callback after the timer expires)

Why is Asynchronous Code Useful?

Asynchronous programming is crucial when you have operations that can take time, and you don't want to block other operations. For instance:

  • Network Requests: Fetching data from a server might take a while. Asynchronous code lets your app remain responsive.
  • Timers and Animations: Delays and intervals for animations or timed operations use asynchronous code to execute at the right moment.
  • File I/O: Reading or writing files can take time. Asynchronous operations prevent your program from freezing while waiting for the file operation to complete.

Common Pitfalls and Tips

  1. Callback Hell: When you nest multiple asynchronous operations, it can lead to confusing code that's hard to maintain. This is often called "callback hell." Modern JavaScript provides promises and async/await to handle this more elegantly. We will explore these in the next sections.
  2. Understanding Execution Order: Asynchronous code can make it hard to predict the order in which your code will run. It's crucial to understand that functions like setTimeout do not execute their code immediately after the specified time. They schedule the code to run once the Call Stack is clear. So if you had a really long script looping over data that took longer than 2 seconds, you wouldn't see the output until that stack is totally cleared.
  3. Debugging: Debugging asynchronous code can be tricky because of the timing issues. Using tools like browser developer tools can help trace the execution flow.

Asynchronous programming is a huge part of what makes JavaScript so powerful, letting you create responsive and efficient apps. Now that you've got the hang of setTimeout, the Call Stack, and the Event Loop, you're well on your way to mastering the world of async code. The best way to get these concepts down is to play around with them and see how they fit together in different scenarios. Keep experimenting, and don't worry if things don't click right away—practice makes perfect!

Next, we'll explore promises, another key tool for handling asynchronous operations. Promises are like the next level of setTimeout, offering a more elegant way to handle async tasks.

So, let's keep the momentum going and explore how promises can help you write even more powerful JavaScript code!

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Written by Niall Maher

Founder of Codú - The web developer community! I've worked in nearly every corner of technology businesses: Lead Developer, Software Architect, Product Manager, CTO, and now happily a Founder.


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