Cloud Hopping: Setting Up Your AWS Account


Welcome back to the "Cloud Hopping" series, where we're unravelling the mysteries of Amazon Web Services (AWS) for junior developers! In the previous article, we explored the basics of AWS, introducing essential services like EC2, S3, Lambda, and DynamoDB. Today, we’re taking a crucial step forward: setting up your very own AWS account.

Embarking on this journey might seem daunting at first, but having your AWS account is your entry ticket to unlocking the potential of cloud computing. Whether you're aiming to deploy your first web application or experiment with cloud-based storage, it all starts with this foundational step. Plus, with AWS's Free Tier, you can explore and learn without the pressure of hefty costs – perfect for those just starting out.

In this article, I'll guide you through the account creation process, step by step. We'll also dive into understanding AWS pricing - a critical aspect for managing your future projects efficiently. By the end, you'll not only have your AWS account ready but also a solid grasp of how to navigate through AWS's pricing and the Management Console. So, gear up, as we're about to turn your curiosity into real-world cloud computing skills!

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Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an AWS Account

Setting up an AWS account is your first step into the world of cloud computing with Amazon Web Services. Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Visit the AWS Homepage

    • Start by navigating to the AWS homepage.
    • Click on the “Create an AWS Account” button, usually found at the top right of the page.
  2. Enter Your Account Information

    • On the next screen, enter your email address and create an account name.
    • AWS will send a verification code to your email, which you need to enter on the website for verification.
    • Once verified, create a secure password for your Root AWS User, which acts as the admin user for your account.
  3. Fill in Your Contact Information

    • Choose whether you are using a Personal or Business account, depending on your needs.
    • Read and accept AWS's Customer Agreement.
  4. Provide Payment Information

    • AWS requires a payment method even for accessing the Free Tier.
    • Enter your payment details. Most services for beginners fall under the AWS Free Tier, so the standard AWS charges will only apply if those limits are exceeded.
  5. Phone Verification

    • AWS will perform phone verification. Enter your phone number and await a call from AWS.
    • You will receive a verification code during the call to enter on the website.
  6. Choose a Support Plan

    • Select a support plan. The Basic Plan, which is free, is suitable for beginners.
    • The Basic Plan includes customer service and access to support forums.
  7. Sign in to the Management Console

    • Once your account is set up, sign in to the AWS Management Console, the central hub for managing AWS services.
    • Take some time to explore the Management Console and familiarize yourself with its features.
  8. Identity and Access Management (IAM) Setup

    • Create an IAM user for accessing AWS services, instead of using the root account credentials.
    • IAM helps manage users, groups, and permissions, ensuring a secure and organized AWS environment.

Congratulations! You now have your AWS account ready. As you embark on your AWS journey, remember to explore and experiment within the limits of the Free Tier.

Understanding AWS Pricing

Navigating the pricing structure of AWS is as crucial as learning about its services. AWS offers a flexible pricing model that caters to a broad spectrum of users, from individuals to large enterprises. Let's dissect the key components of AWS pricing to help you manage your cloud expenses effectively:

Cash and a Calculator on Printout Image

  1. Pay-as-You-Go

    • Most AWS services operate on a pay-as-you-go pricing model. This means you only pay for the services you use, without any upfront costs.
    • Similar to utility services like electricity, this model allows you to scale your usage up or down based on your needs, offering flexibility without the constraints of long-term contracts.
  2. Free Tier

    • AWS provides a Free Tier for new users, an excellent way to start exploring AWS services without financial commitment.
    • The Free Tier includes specific amounts of resources and services at no charge. However, it’s crucial to understand the limits of these offerings to prevent unexpected charges. More details about the AWS Free Tier are discussed below.
  3. Different Pricing for Different Services

    • Each AWS service, such as EC2, S3, or Lambda, has its own pricing structure, influenced by factors like compute power, storage space, and data transfer.
    • For example, EC2 pricing varies based on compute capacity, charged by the hour or second (depending on the instance type), whereas S3 costs are calculated based on the amount of storage used and the volume of data transferred.
  4. Saving Plans and Reserved Instances

    • AWS offers Saving Plans and Reserved Instances for users with long-term needs, allowing cost savings through a commitment to a specified usage level over time for certain services.
    • These options are particularly beneficial for predictable workloads, leading to substantial reductions in costs.
  5. Monitoring and Managing Costs

    • Tools like AWS Cost Explorer and AWS Budgets are available to help you track and manage your expenses.
    • Regular monitoring of your AWS usage and costs is key to optimizing your spending and adhering to your budget.
    • For a great guide on how to add billing alerts, see the following article by Kera

Efficient cloud management hinges on understanding AWS pricing. By leveraging the pay-as-you-go model, being mindful of the Free Tier limitations, and selecting the appropriate pricing options for your requirements, you can effectively utilize AWS services without unnecessary expenditure. It’s always wise to monitor your usage actively and take advantage of AWS’s cost management tools to maintain control over your budget.

Quick Tip - A practical approach is to only keep resources active while they are needed and delete them when they are no longer in use to avoid incurring unnecessary expenses.

AWS Free Tier

AWS Free Tier Screenshot

One of the most appealing aspects for new AWS users is the AWS Free Tier, designed to help you get started with AWS services for free. Understanding how the Free Tier works is key to maximizing its benefits while avoiding unexpected charges. Here's a deeper look into the AWS Free Tier:

  1. Types of Free Tier Offers

    • Always Free: These offers provide certain services free of charge up to a specific limit, and they don’t expire. For example, Amazon DynamoDB offers 25 GB of storage free every month.
    • 12-Month Free: Starting from the day you sign up for AWS, these offers include services that are free for the first 12 months. For example, the AWS EC2 Free Tier includes 750 hours per month of usage on certain instance types.
    • Trials: These are short-term free trial offers that start from the first time you activate a particular service. They allow you to try new services without any cost for a specified period or usage amount.
  2. Understanding Limits and Restrictions

    • Each Free Tier service has specific limits on usage, which vary depending on the service. It's essential to understand these limits to ensure you don't exceed them.
    • For instance, the S3 Free Tier includes 5 GB of standard storage, but going over this limit will incur standard charges.
  3. Monitoring Free Tier Usage

    • AWS provides the Free Tier Usage dashboard in the AWS Billing and Cost Management console. This tool helps you track your usage against the Free Tier limits.
    • Regularly checking this dashboard is recommended to stay aware of your usage and avoid unintended charges.
  4. Transitioning Post-Free Tier

    • As you become more comfortable with AWS services and your usage grows, it's likely that you'll exceed Free Tier limits.
    • Plan ahead for this transition by budgeting for potential costs and considering Reserved Instances or Savings Plans for services you use heavily.
  5. Best Practices for Free Tier Users

    • Experiment and learn with the Free Tier, but be mindful of the services you activate and use.
    • Set up billing alerts to notify you if your usage approaches or exceeds the Free Tier limits.

To find out which services you can use free tier on, see the following link

The AWS Free Tier is a fantastic resource for beginners to explore and learn AWS services without upfront investment. However, it's crucial to stay informed about the limitations and monitor your usage to make the most out of it without incurring unexpected costs. As you grow more confident and your needs expand, plan your AWS journey keeping the potential costs in mind.


Well done on setting up your AWS account and exploring AWS pricing! You've started an exciting journey into cloud computing. As you experiment with AWS, remember to monitor your usage and costs, especially within the Free Tier.

This article marks the beginning of your AWS adventure, with many more aspects to explore. Stay tuned for upcoming entries in the "Cloud Hopping" series, where we'll dive deeper into AWS services and best practices. Your feedback and questions are highly valued and help enhance this learning journey for all. If you have any suggestions for future additions to the Cloud Hopping series, please let me know in the comments below.

Keep exploring AWS with enthusiasm—the possibilities are endless. Happy cloud computing!

Avatar for Callum Dennis

Written by Callum Dennis


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