HTML Auto-comments with Emmet

Emmet does comments

I don't know about you but this was a revelation to me. But you can easily add comments in your HTML files using Emmet.


In the above code example we are creating a section with the class of testing, direct child of a div with class grid with a direct child of a div with child1 class and a sibling of div class child 2

      <section class="testing">
        <div class="grid">
          <div class="child1"></div>
          <div class="child2"></div>

When writing your HTML if you add |c to your Emmet code it will add comments.




      <section class="testing">
        <div class="grid">
          <div class="child1"></div>
          <!-- /.child1 -->
          <div class="child2"></div>
          <!-- /.child2 -->
        <!-- /.grid -->
      <!-- /.testing -->

This works with both IDs and Classes by default. Just use # instead of .

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Written by Shane-Donlon


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