My Top 5 FREE Coding Platforms For Learning How To Code

Learning online is affordable, flexible, and easy to manage at your own pace. Whether you are a student, academic, or even a beginner, everyone can all benefit from online training. Let's take a deep dive into these free coding resources online and start learning today!



Codecademy is a platform designed specifically to learn how to code. According to their website, 45 million learners have developed their coding skills through their website in only seven years. You can begin your Codecademy training by evaluating your coding skills in order to find out which level suits you the best. There is a great variety of learning modules in languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, Jaca, SQL, C++, PHP, and more. Codecademy is free, but some modules are only available for pro members. Not to worry though, the free lessons are worth doing!

Start your Codecademy journey today


W3Schools is one of the most popular and largest online schools. It creates simplified and interactive learning experiences for users. It focuses on simplicity and easy learning. It's basically the encyclopedia of coding, with examples, templates and videos to help you stay on top of your game They also offer courses covering all aspects of web development. W3Schools is a learning platform for coders of all levels.

Check out W3Schools now


freeCodeCamp is a community of people from all around the world who are learning to code together. You will learn to code by building dozens of projects, step-by-step, right in your browser, code editor, or mobile app. Every aspect of freeCodeCamp is 100% free. The courses, the projects, and even the certifications. You will learn the skills most developers use on the job: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Linux, Git, and SQL, and more. You'll also learn how to use powerful libraries for web development, mobile app development, data science, and artificial intelligence.

Get started with freeCodeCamp today


This platform offers free courses, tutorials, and a ton of resources on almost anything to do with web development. These lessons are compiled and taught by professors from the top universities from all over the world. You will learn an introduction to programming, HTML, CSS, C language, Python, Java, and more for free from a beginner’s level or higher. It’s worth noting that if you want certifications through Coursera, you will hit their paywall.

Advance your knowledge with Coursera is unique in itself. It provides a multitude of coding courses for anyone willing to learn. It also allows it's users to post their own courses, with users voting the best ones to the top. So cool! Wouldn't that look impressive on your CV and your LinkedIn?

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Written by erincunningham7

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