PostgreSQL's Advanced Features

Today, we will explore some of PostgreSQL's more advanced features. Remember when we briefly touched on some unique data types in our PostgreSQL Data Types article? We will explore these and other powerful features in more detail. As usual, don't worry if some of this seems complex at first – we'll break everything down and explain how to use these features and when and why you might want to use them.

We'll cover:

  • Full-text search
  • JSON and JSONB data types
  • Array and hstore data types
  • Triggers and stored procedures

Let's dive in!

Setting Up Our Database

Before we start, let's set up a database for our examples. We'll use an expanded version of our bookstore database:

    Title VARCHAR(200),
    Author VARCHAR(100),
    Description TEXT,
    Genres TEXT[],
    Metadata JSONB,
    Price DECIMAL(10, 2),
    StockQuantity INT

INSERT INTO Books (Title, Author, Description, Genres, Metadata, Price, StockQuantity) VALUES 
('The PostgreSQL Guide', 'Jane Doe', 'A comprehensive guide to PostgreSQL and its advanced features. Learn about full-text search, JSON support, and more!', 
 ARRAY['Technology', 'Databases'], 
 '{"pages": 450, "publisher": "Tech Books Inc", "year": 2023}',
 39.99, 100),
('Data Science Fundamentals', 'John Smith', 'Introduction to data science concepts, including statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization.', 
 ARRAY['Technology', 'Data Science', 'Statistics'], 
 '{"pages": 350, "publisher": "Data Press", "year": 2022}',
 49.99, 75),
('The Art of Fiction', 'Alice Johnson', 'Exploring the craft of writing fiction, from developing characters to structuring your novel.', 
 ARRAY['Arts', 'Writing'], 
 '{"pages": 300, "publisher": "Creative Books", "year": 2021}',
 29.99, 50);

Now, let's explore each advanced feature.

Full-text Search

Full-text search is a technique for quickly and effectively navigating large amounts of text. Unlike simple LIKE queries, it understands word stems, ranks results by relevance, and can handle large volumes of text efficiently.

Use full-text search when:

  • You need to search through large text fields (like book descriptions or article content)
  • You want to find variations of words (e.g., "run" should also match "running" or "ran")
  • You need to rank results by relevance
  • Simple LIKE queries are too slow or don't provide the functionality you need

How to Use Full-text Search

PostgreSQL uses two special data types for full-text search:

  • tsvector: This represents your document in a format optimized for text search
  • tsquery: This represents your search query

Let's see how to use these:

-- First, let's create an index to speed up our searches
CREATE INDEX books_description_idx ON Books USING GIN (to_tsvector('english', Description));

-- Now, let's perform a full-text search
SELECT Title, Description
FROM Books
WHERE to_tsvector('english', Description) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'postgresql');

This query will find all books where the description contains the word "postgresql" (or related words, thanks to stemming).

We can also rank our results:

SELECT Title, Description, 
       ts_rank(to_tsvector('english', Description), to_tsquery('english', 'data & science')) AS rank
FROM Books
WHERE to_tsvector('english', Description) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'data & science')

This query will return books containing "data" and "science" in the description, ordered by relevance.

Full-text search is a powerful tool when you need to implement search functionality in your application, especially when dealing with large amounts of text data.

JSON and JSONB Data Types

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a popular data format that's easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. PostgreSQL provides two types for storing JSON data:

  • json: Stores an exact copy of the input text
  • jsonb: Stores data in a decomposed binary format, which is slower to input but faster to process

Use JSON or JSONB when:

  • You're working with data that has a variable or complex structure
  • You're interfacing with applications that use JSON (like many web and mobile apps)
  • You need to store semi-structured data and don't want to create a separate table for each type

Use jsonb specifically when:

  • You'll be doing a lot of processing or querying of the JSON data
  • You don't need to preserve the exact formatting of the JSON


We've stored book metadata as JSONB in our Books table. Let's see how we can work with this data:

-- Retrieve the number of pages for each book
SELECT Title, Metadata->>'pages' AS Pages
FROM Books;

-- Find books published by a specific publisher
FROM Books
WHERE Metadata->>'publisher' = 'Tech Books Inc';

-- Find books published after 2021
FROM Books
WHERE (Metadata->>'year')::int > 2021;

We can also update JSON data easily:

-- Add a new field to the metadata
SET Metadata = Metadata || '{"bestseller": true}'::jsonb
WHERE Title = 'The PostgreSQL Guide';

JSON and JSONB types provide flexibility in your data model, allowing you to store complex, nested data structures in a single column. This can be particularly useful when working with data from external APIs or when your data structure might evolve over time.

Array and hstore Data Types

  • Array: Allows you to store multiple values of the same type in a single column
  • hstore: A key-value store within PostgreSQL, where both keys and values are text strings

Use Arrays when:

  • You need to store multiple values of the same type for a single record
  • You want to avoid creating a separate table for a one-to-many relationship

Use hstore when:

  • You need to store key-value pairs, but don't need the full complexity of JSON
  • You want to add arbitrary key-value pairs to a record without altering the table structure

How to Use Arrays

We've used an array to store genres for our books. Here's how we can work with this data:

-- Find books in multiple genres
FROM Books
WHERE Genres @> ARRAY['Technology', 'Databases'];

-- Add a new genre to a book
SET Genres = array_append(Genres, 'Programming')
WHERE Title = 'The PostgreSQL Guide';

How to Use hstore

First, we need to enable the hstore extension and add a column to our table:


ALTER TABLE Books ADD COLUMN Attributes hstore;

UPDATE Books SET Attributes = 'edition => "1st", language => "English"'::hstore;

Now we can query and update hstore data:

-- Query hstore data
SELECT Title, Attributes->'edition' AS Edition
FROM Books;

-- Update hstore data
SET Attributes = Attributes || 'format => "hardcover"'::hstore
WHERE Title = 'The PostgreSQL Guide';

Arrays and hstore provide flexible ways to store multiple values or key-value pairs within a single column, which can simplify your database schema in many scenarios.

Triggers and Stored Procedures

  • Triggers: Database operations that are automatically performed when a specified database event occurs
  • Stored Procedures: SQL code that you can save in the database for reuse

Use Triggers when:

  • You want to automatically maintain an audit trail
  • You need to automatically update related tables
  • You want to enforce complex business rules that can't be handled by simple constraints

Use Stored Procedures when:

  • You have complex operations that you perform frequently
  • You want to encapsulate database logic for better maintainability
  • You need to perform operations that require multiple SQL statements

How to Use Triggers

Let's create a trigger that updates a 'last_modified' timestamp whenever a book is updated:

-- First, add a last_modified column

-- Create a function for the trigger
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_last_modified()
    NEW.last_modified = NOW();
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

-- Create the trigger
CREATE TRIGGER update_books_last_modified
EXECUTE FUNCTION update_last_modified();

Now, whenever you update a book, the 'last_modified' field will automatically be set to the current timestamp.

How to Use Stored Procedures

Let's create a stored procedure to add a new book:

    p_title VARCHAR(200),
    p_author VARCHAR(100),
    p_description TEXT,
    p_genres TEXT[],
    p_metadata JSONB,
    p_price DECIMAL(10, 2),
    p_stock INT
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
    INSERT INTO Books (Title, Author, Description, Genres, Metadata, Price, StockQuantity)
    VALUES (p_title, p_author, p_description, p_genres, p_metadata, p_price, p_stock);

-- Use the stored procedure
CALL add_book(
    'SQL Mastery',
    'Emma Wilson',
    'Advanced SQL techniques for data professionals',
    ARRAY['Technology', 'Databases', 'SQL'],
    '{"pages": 400, "publisher": "Data Books", "year": 2023}'::jsonb,

This stored procedure encapsulates the logic for adding a new book, making it easier to maintain and reuse.

Triggers and stored procedures allow you to add complex logic and automation to your database operations, improving data integrity and simplifying your application code.

These advanced PostgreSQL features provide powerful tools for working with complex data structures, improving search capabilities, and automating database operations. While they may seem complex initially, they can be helpful when facing tricky problems.

Remember, you don't need to use all of these features constantly. Start with the basics, and as you become more comfortable with PostgreSQL, you can gradually incorporate these advanced features where they make sense for your specific use cases.

In our next chapter, we'll explore database migrations and how you manage versions of your database changes.

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Written by Niall Maher

Founder of Codú - The web developer community! I've worked in nearly every corner of technology businesses: Lead Developer, Software Architect, Product Manager, CTO, and now happily a Founder.


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