Tue, March 12, 2024 • Niall Maher

Your Weekly Codú Fix: PlanetScale Alternatives, Git Explained, and More!

Welcome to Codú Weekly!

How the heck are you? I'm pumped this week and hope you are too!

Here's some of the fun stuff I've been reading/watching this week:

My picks from Codú

No More Free Tier on PlanetScale, Here Are Free Alternatives (2 min)

Since PlanetScale killed its free tier, here are free alternatives to try or if you want to migrate away from PlanetScale:

Git: Pull, Merge, and Rebase - What's the Difference? (2 min)

You might have used git merge, pull, and rebase in Git. Ever wonder what's the difference? Let's break these down into simple terms:

Rest API in C# (2 min)

An API, or Application Programming Interface, serves as the entry point into a project from external sources.

Intersection Observer (3 min)

Learn about tracking a person's position on a webpage with Intersection Observer API in JavaScript.

Other Articles/Resources

JavaScript Security Vulnerabilities Tutorial -- With Code Examples (video)

Learn about 10 security vulnerabilities every JavaScript developer should know. First, try to find the vulnerabilities in the different code examples. Then, learn how to fix the issues.

Top 8 Recent V8 in Node Updates (6 min)

The title explains it all! Look at the "Top 8" recent updates in Node.js.

Thors Rants about Scrum (Short)

Not a fan of Scrum? @PirateSoftware concisely explains why developers hate it here. I found it hilarious (and all too true).

How we engineer feedback at Figma with eng crits (10 mins)

Engineering crits encourage a diversity of perspectives and unblock teams to pursue new ideas. Here's how Figma structures and runs them.

Cool tools

Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know

Great visualizations of latency numbers! A little interactive website to learn something new.

Skeleton Generator

If you use Tailwind, bookmark this one! Paste it into your component; this tool will generate your skeleton loading state.

Something I've been enjoying

Mark Manson's YouTube Channel

"World Champion Non-Fuck-Giver" - Mark Manson is the author of "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck**". **He talks about mindset and productivity; his video quality has been incredible over the last six months. Check it out if you are into that sort of thing!

If you have any ideas or feedback, reply to this email.

Thanks, and stay awesome,

Niall Maher

Founder @ Codú